Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2018
5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Seacoast Science Center, Rye, NH
The 26th Annual Portsmouth Athenaeum Pot-Luck Picnic is open to Proprietors, Subscribers and Friends and their families. Rain or shine in the tent at the Seacoast Science Center!
Bring a dish to share (by last name):
A-C: Dessert
D-H: Main Dish
I-M: Main Dish
N-S: Appetizer
T-Z: Salad
For more information contact Tom Hardiman, 603-431-2538.
[Image: Cookout for guests at the Wentworth Hotel, New Castle, NH, c. 1960. Wentworth-By-The-Sea Hotel Photograph Collection, P41.072]