Portsmouth Property Records, 1796-1900 ca. – MS081

Portsmouth Property Records, 1796-1900 ca. – MS081

Provenance: Gift of David and Eleanore Sanderson in 2005

Citation: Portsmouth Property Records (MS081), Manuscript Collections, Portsmouth Athenaeum

Size: 2 Hollinger Boxes (1 linear ft.) & 8 oversized items

Access: No restrictions

Processed by: Susan Stowe Kindstedt, 2006

Scope and Content

Collection of miscellaneous records, plot plans, deeds, etc. related to various developments, both residential and commercial in Portsmouth, NH. The records range from deeds dated from the late eighteenth century through plans for the Portsmouth Regional Hospital on Borthwick Ave from the 1980s. Other companies represented include Green’s Drug Store, Maxwell’s Tannery, Portsmouth Navigation Company, Portsmouth Steam Factory, Port City Beverage, and others. Housing developments include Patriot’s Park, Marne Ave. and Versailles Ave. and Portsmouth Apartments.

Folder Listing:

Box 1

Folder 1 Deed for seven acres of salt marsh owned by Deborah Jeffries, of Boston sold to John Hale of Portsmouth in 1796. The land belonged to the seller’s grandfather, George Jeffrey.

Folder 2 Deeds related to the Paras Brothers, Franklin and Mechanic Blocks:
Supply Ham to William Bodge, 1852 (store on Congress Street)
Benjamin Cheever, William D. Fernald, and Stephen Walker to Sherburne Somerby, 1853 (Congress Street lot)
Edmund M. Brown (for Martha Gains who had been declared ”an insane person) to Andrew Lowd, 1853 (Congress Street land)
William Bodge to Andrew Lowd, 1859 (land on Congress Street)
Andrew Lowd to Sherburne Somerby, 1859 (land on Congress Street)
Supply Ham to Sherburne Somerby, 1859 (land on Congress Street)
Woodbury Locke to Supply Ham, 1861 (land on Fleet Street)
William Bodge to Andrew Lowd, 1862 (land on Congress Street)
Sherburne Somerby to Oliver L. Towle, 1864 (land in Portsmouth)
Sewell W. Webber to Sherburne Somerby, 1867 (land on Fleet Street)
Elizabeth Ham to John Norton, 1868 (land on Congress and Fleet streets)
Sherburne Somerly to William Hadley, 1868 (land on Fleet and Congress streets)
Harry J. Freeman to George Paras, John Paras, and Basil Paras, 1919 (Franklin Block)

Folder 3 Deeds related to the Paras Brothers, Franklin and Mechanic Blocks:
William S. Hadley to The Associated Mechanics and Manufacturers of New Hampshire (July 15, 1868)
Andrew Lowd and Martha Lowd to the Associated Mechanics and Manufacturers of New Hampshire (July 17, 1868)
Elizabeth Ham (widow of Supply Ham) to The Associated Mechanics and Manufacturers of New Hampshire (July 25, 1868)
Edward H. Ham and Eleanor Ham (of Sacramento, California) to The Associated Mechanics and Manufacturers of New Hampshire (July 25, 1868)
Elizabeth Ham, Henry H. Ham and Francis W. Ham (July 25, 1868)
Rockingham Ten Cent Savings Bank to The Associated Mechanics and Manufacturers of New Hamphsire (April 7, 1873)
The Associated Mechanics and Manufacturers of New Hampshire to Richard U. Beacham (April 8, 1873)
The Associated Mechanics and Manufacturers of New Hampshire to Isaiah Wilson, William J. Vaughan Jr. and Isaac Ham (August 12, 1873)
The Associated Mechanics and Manufacturers of New Hampshire to John R. McIntire (March 14, 1896, June 4, 1896, March 13, 1897)
Thomas K. Locke to Piscataqua Savings Bank (February 7, 1898)
The Associated Mechanics and Manufacturers of New Hampshire to Thomas K. Locke (February 7, 1898)
Thomas K. Locke to Myrtle L. Locke (October 31, 1904)
William Emerson to Thomas K. Locke (March 31, 1907)
George Paras, John Paras, and Basil Paras to Myrtle L. Locke (March 29, 1912)
Myrtle Locke to George Paras, John Paras, and Basil Paras (March 31, 1912)

Folder 4 Leases related to the Paras Brothers, Franklin and Mechanic Blocks.

Folder 5 Miscellaneous correspondence, notes, and agreements related to the Paras Brothers, Franklin and Mechanic Blocks.

Folder 6 Deed and lease related to Maxwell’s Tannery in Portsmouth. Deed is between Samuel Leighton of Eliot, esquire, to David Libbey Jr. of Eliot, tanner for Maxwell’s Tannery in Portsmouth.

Folder 7 Writ addressing the Selectmen of the town of Portsmouth for the Portsmouth Steam Factory.

Folder 8 Titles, deeds, mortgages, foreclosure advertisements and documents, and correspondence related to the Portsmouth Shoe Company on Albany and Cass streets.

Folder 9 Sale agreement between Alfred L. Elwyn and Thomas Elwyn and Louis P. Ladd and Peter Ladd, of Epping for property located on Elwyn Road (present location of the Urban Forestry Center) for the purpose of harvesting lumber. Also includes the will of Lydia W. Ladd of Epping who leaves considerable amounts to, among others, the town of Epping for the purpose of establishing a library and a school.

Folder 10 Deeds and mortgage documents related to the Port City Beverage building off Bartlett Street near the Boston and Maine Railroad tracks in Portsmouth.

Folder 11 Deeds and foreclosure notices for the Portsmouth Cols Storage building on Bow Street.

Folder 12 Deeds, leases, and correspondence related to the sale of the Rockingham Hotel.

Folder 13 Deeds and correspondence between William E. Marvin and Nathaniel Jackson who sold the property to William Sumner Appleton (founder of the Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities) regarding deed and will issues related to the property.

Folder 14 Agreement of sale of Green’s Drug Store from Benjamin Green to Frank M. McMahon

Folder 15 Documents related to the property on the corner of Junkins Ave and Pleasant Street, current location of Citizens Bank. Correspondence related to the will of Elizabeth E. Langdon, including leaving her estate, property in Portsmouth, to the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York. Also deed information about the land including its beginning as Glebe Land leased to Rev. Samuel Langdon. There are several plot plans as well.

Folder 16 Documents including deeds, closing documents and mortgage papers related to the sale of Wendell’s Hardware Store.

Folder 17 Documents including deeds (description of real estate) and closing documents for Margeson Brothers Store (on Vaughn Street in Portsmouth) and Warehouse (on Albany Street).

Folder 18 Air Raid Wardens World War II: Harry W. Peyser’s Command Post at 259 Miller Ave, sketch of neighborhood and assignment of duties to wardens. Includes detail of individuals who lived on South Street near Miller Ave. intersection, Lincoln Ave, and Rockland Street .

Folder 19 Records of the Merchants and Traders Bank of Portsmouth. The M and T Bank was absorbed by the First National Bank of Portsmouth in 1930. The First National Bank declined to accept some of the mortgages held by the Merchants and Traders Bank. The directors of Mechanics and Traders formed M and T Associates and bought the rejected mortgages. They then attempted to collect the debts, without much success.

Folder 20 Materials related to the development known as Liberty Plains, the streets are now Marne Ave. and Versailles Ave. off of Sagamore Ave and Jones Ave. The land was owned by the estate of Dennis Shea. Materials include deeds, history of ownership, and plot plans. Additional oversized materials are located in LM 43.

Box 2

Folder 1 Materials related to the sale of Creek Farm in the 1940s including a promotional brochure, deeds, correspondence, plot plans, purchase and sales agreement and other miscellaneous documents. Correspondence discusses possible subdivision of the land. Oversized plot plans are located in LM 44.

Folder 2 Documents related to land owned by Joseph Haven Thacher at the corner of Congress Street and Vaughn Street including titles, plot plans, and other documents related to an 1851 boundary line dispute. Oversized plot plans are in LM 45.

Folder 3 Documents related to the sale of land at the corner of Rockland Street and Miller Ave, known as the Portsmouth Apartments. Plot plan is located in LM 46.

Folder 4 Documents related to the Portsmouth Navigation Company on Ceres Street including deeds and plot plans (located in LM 47). The Portsmouth Navigation Company was a tugboat wharf.

Folder 5 Documents related to the Vaughn Street Urban Renewel project including plans and titles to the Boston and Maine Railroad property. Larger plans are in LM 48.

Folder 6 Documents related to the Portsmouth Regional Development Corporation, the Borthwick Industrial Park (later including Portsmouth Regional Hospital on Borthwick Ave.). Includes a complete history of acquisition and development of Borthwick Ave., including plans, titles, deeds, and correspondence. Larger plans are in LM 49.

Folder 7 Documents related to the Portsmouth Regional Development Corporation, the Borthwick Industrial Park (later including Portsmouth Regional Hospital on Borthwick Ave.). Includes a complete history of acquisition and development of Borthwick Ave., including plans, titles, deeds, and correspondence. Larger plans are in LM 49.

Folder 8 Documents related to the Portsmouth Regional Development Corporation, the Borthwick Industrial Park (later including Portsmouth Regional Hospital on Borthwick Ave.). Includes a complete history of acquisition and development of Borthwick Ave., including plans, titles, deeds, and correspondence. Larger plans are in LM 49.

Folder 9 Documents related to the Portsmouth Regional Development Corporation, the Borthwick Industrial Park (later including Portsmouth Regional Hospital on Borthwick Ave.). Includes a complete history of acquisition and development of Borthwick Ave., including plans, titles, deeds, and correspondence. Larger plans are in LM 49.

Folder 10 Documents related to the Portsmouth Regional Development Corporation, the Borthwick Industrial Park (later including Portsmouth Regional Hospital on Borthwick Ave.). Includes a complete history of acquisition and development of Borthwick Ave., including plans, titles, deeds, and correspondence. Larger plans are in LM 49.

Folder 11 Documents related to the Portsmouth Regional Development Corporation, the Borthwick Industrial Park (later including Portsmouth Regional Hospital on Borthwick Ave.). Includes a complete history of acquisition and development of Borthwick Ave., including plans, titles, deeds, and correspondence. Larger plans are in LM 49.

Folder 12 Documents related to the Portsmouth Regional Development Corporation, the Borthwick Industrial Park (later including Portsmouth Regional Hospital on Borthwick Ave.). Includes a complete history of acquisition and development of Borthwick Ave., including plans, titles, deeds, and correspondence. Larger plans are in LM 49.

Folder 13 Documents related to Federal Housing Projects in Portsmouth during World War II. Includes deeds and correspondence for property located off Woodbury Ave., Maplewood Ave. and Cutts Ave. Large plan is in LM 50.

Folder 14 Documents related to land development on Lafayette Road (two parcels), one parcel became Patriot’s Park Apartments. Plot plans are located in LM 50.



LM 43 Materials related to the development known as Liberty Plains, the streets are now Marne Ave. and Versailles Ave. off of Sagamore Ave and Broad Street. The land was owned by the estate of Dennis Shea. Materials plot plans and blue prints. Additional oversized materials are located in MS81 B01 F20.

LM 44 Materials related to the sale of Creek Farm in the 1940s including a plot plans and blue prints. Additional materials are in MS081 B02 F01.

LM 45 Documents related to land owned by Joseph Haven Thacher at the corner of Congress Street and Vaughn Street including plot plans (including an 1851 plan drawn by Benjamin Akerman). Oversized plot plans are in MS081 B02 F02.

LM 46 Plot plan related to the sale of land at the corner of Rockland Street and Miller Ave, known as the Portsmouth Apartments. Related documents are in MS081 B02 F02.

LM 47 Plot plans related to the Portsmouth Navigation Company on Ceres Street. The Portsmouth Navigation Company was a tugboat wharf. Other documents are in MS081 B02 F04.

LM 48 Plot plans related to the Vaughn Street Urban Renewel project including the Boston and Maine Railroad property. Other documents are in MS081 B02 F05.

LM 49 Plans related to the Portsmouth Regional Development Corporation, the Borthwick Industrial Park (later including Portsmouth Regional Hospital on Borthwick Ave.). Other documents can be found in MS081 B02 F06-F12.

LM 50 Documents related to land development on Lafayette Road (two parcels), one parcel became Patriot’s Park Apartments. Plot plans are located in LM 50.