Portsmouth Advocates, Inc. – MS109
Provenance: Gifted to the Portsmouth Athenaeum in 2012 by Richard Candee.
Citation: Portsmouth Advocates, Inc. (MS109), Manuscript Collections, Portsmouth Athenaeum
Size: 2 Hollinger Boxes (1 linear foot)
Access: No restrictions
Processed by: Courtney MacLachlin in 2012
Scope and Content
Records of the preservation group, the Portsmouth Advocates, Inc., formed to promote the maintenance of the historical and architectural integrity of the buildings of the city of Portsmouth within and outside of the historic districts, and to encourage the preservation and restoration of historically significant structures. Part of their project was to suvey and document the varied architecture of the buildings in Portsmouth’s West End. For photographs of the buildings, see P40.
Folder List
Box 1 F 1: Community Development Program Agreement with
Richard Candee, 1976.
F 2: McDonough St. Project Area Historic Structure Report, 1976
F 3: Middle/Islington St. Cultural Resource Survey, 1977-1978
F 4: Joyce Hanrahan v. City of Portsmouth, 1979
F 5: Sign materials, 1880-1980: Diane Colson
F 6: Portsmouth Advocates Articles of Agreement, 1980
F 7: Portsmouth Advocates By-Laws, 1980
F 8: Correspondence: Portsmouth Advocates to Preservation
Services Fund, 1981
F 9: Membership lists & meeting minutes, 1981
F10: Outreach & Technical Assistance Program, 1981-1982
F11: Historic Neighborhoods Technical Assistance Program,
F12: Records and Correspondence, 1982
F13: Minutes and membership lists, 1983
F14: Minutes and reports, 1984
F15: Minutes and records, 1985
F16: Records, n.d.
F17: Application for Certification of Portsmouth Historic District
F18: Historic Resources: Existing Conditons and Future
Conditions, n.d.
Box 2 F1: Historic District Surveys: Ball, Baycliffe, Blossom, Bow Sts.
F2: Bridge, Ceres, Chapel, Chestnut Streets
F3: Congress, Daniel, Dearborn, Chestnut Streets
F4: Deer, Driftwood, Edward, Franklin, Fernald, Gardner, Sts.
F5: Gates, Green, Hancock, Hanover, High Streets
F6: The Hill, Holmes Court, Howard, Humphrey Streets
F7: Hunking, Islington, Livermore, Maplewood, Manning Sts.
F8: Market, Marcy, Mechanic Streets
F9: Mettinghouse Hill, Melcher, Middle, Mt, Vernon Streets
F10: Newcastel Ave., Northwest Street
F11: Parrott Ave., Penhallow, Pickering, Pleasant Streets
F12: Pray, Partridge, Raynes, Ridge Streets
F13: Richmond, Roger, Salter Streets
F14: Sheafe and South Streets
F15: South Mill, South School, State Streets
F16: Vaughan, Washington Streets
F17: Historic District Street Maps
F18: Street Summaries: Cabot, Austin, Union Streets more