Wednesday, May 16, 2018
7 p.m.
Third-Floor Research Library
The 2018 Program Series: “Remembering the Great War, Home and Abroad” continues with Hugh Dubrulle “Over There: The Yankee Division and the Ground War in Europe, 1917-1918.” At the beginning of World War I, the 26th Infantry Division was assembled using National Guard units from every New England state. This so-called “Yankee Division” was the first American infantry division to be transported to France as a complete unit, and it spent more time on the Western front than any other American infantry division but one. Learn of the recruitment, training, and combat experience of this unit with a special emphasis on the 103rd Infantry Regiment which included New Hampshire National Guardsmen.
Dr. Hugh Dubrulle is a professor in the Department of History at Saint Anselm College, with particular interests in military history, the British view of the Civil War and modern European history. He earned both his masters and doctorate degrees at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His book, “A War of Wonders: How Britons Imagined the American Civil War” is being published in 2018. 7:00pm in the Research Library of the Portsmouth Athenaeum at 9 Market Square in Portsmouth, NH (unless otherwise noted.) Reservations for each program are required as seating is limited; please call (603) 431-2538, Ext. 2. Attendance at programs is free for Athenaeum Proprietors, Subscribers and Friends. Guests and members of the public are welcome to attend the entire series by becoming a Friend of the Athenaeum for as little as $25 per year, payable at the door. Admission to an individual program is $10.
Attendance is free for Athenaeum Proprietors, Subscribers and Friends. Guests and members of the public are welcome to attend the entire series by becoming a Friend of the Athenaeum for as little as $25 per year, payable at the door. Admission to an individual program is $10.
Space is limited and reservations are required. Please call (603) 431-2538 ext. 2 and reserve your spot(s) today.
The 2018 Lecture Series is sponsored by UBS.