The last of the 2017 Historic Portsmouth Chamber Concerts
The Omer String Quartet returns to Portsmouth this year with Bartok’s Quartet Number 3, which the group is preparing for the June Borciani Competition in Italy. In this shortest of Bartok’s quartets, played without pause, the composer ventures into more harmonically adventurous worlds, while as always integrating Hungarian folk music into his idioms and the speech patterns that give his music an improvisatory and conversational quality. The program will also include the Schumann quartet that the composer presented to his wife Clara on her 23rd birthday: Opus 41, No. 1, a work which though virtuosic and challenging to musicians, is full of lyricism and love.
The concert is at the North Church in Portsmouth and begins at 3:00 p.m.
The public is invited!
$20 suggested donation; $75 series subscription; series Patron seating $250 per person/$500 per couple.