Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Tom Hardiman presents “Crowdsourced Treasures: Selections from the Athenaeum’s Collections”.

The Athenaeum’s collections are largely the creation of its Proprietors and other civic-minded locals, who for 200 years have donated books, papers, art and artifacts they deemed of cultural, scientific and historical importance. Through stories of the history, ownership and gifting of selected Athenaeum treasures, Proprietor & Keeper, Tom Hardiman will show how this unique collection reflects the shifting intellectual interests of Portsmouth residents over two centuries.

7 p.m. in the Research Library

Free to Athenaeum members; $10 general admission.

The “Secrets & Treasures: 200 Years at the Portsmouth Athenaeum” lecture series is sponsored by UBS Financial Services.

Reservations are requested, since space is limited. Call (603)431-2538 for reservations.