New Castle Bridge Association – MS024*

New Castle Bridge Association – MS024*

Provenance: Placed on deposit by the Portsmouth Historical Society in July 1991. Also placed on deposit were the Portsmouth Historical Society Collection (MS022), Portsmouth Historical Society Records (MS023), Tredick and Brewster Family Papers (MS019), and the Portsmouth Historical Society Photograph Collection (P018).

Citation: New Castle Bridge Association, MS024, on deposit at the Portsmouth Athenaeum

Size: 5 Hollinger boxes (2.5 linear feet)

Access: No restrictions

Scope and Content

Minutes, correspondence, financial records, bills and receipts, share certificates, deeds, legal documents, and other records. The first three boxes contain financial materials, arranged chronologically by year, including bills paid, receipts, vouchers, cancelled checks, etc and the occasional treasurer’s report. Box four contains share certificates, arranged by year and box five contains other miscellaneous records, including toll gatherer’s notebooks, occassional account books, deeds, etc.

Historical Note

Below is transcribed from “History of Bridge Association” Box 5 Folder 24

“The said corporation may erect and maintain a bridge from the North-west end of the Island of New Castle to the Town of Portsmouth across the waters and connected with any of the Islands lying on the Southerly side of the Channel of Piscataqua River, and lay out and make a road of convenient width in the most convenient place for public accommodation, from the public road in New Castle to Clark’s Neck, so called, across any of the said islands to one of the public roads in Portsmouth.” From Charter of, Proprietors of New Castle Bridge, Approved June 19, 1821

Sec. 14 of an Act of Congress approved March 3, 1899, entitled “An Act making appropriations for the construction, repair and preservation of certain public works on rivers and harbors” provides that, upon two conditions namely – “The use and occupation of any sea-wall” etc., owned by the government may be granted, “on the recommendation of the Chief Engineer” and when “in the judgment of the Sec. of War such occupation or use will not be injurious to the public interest.” See Act of Congress. Approved Mar. 3, 1899.”

In accord with the above, except with many other conditions added by the Sec. of War license was granted said proprietors in 1900, to “raise and widen at their own coat” a certain sea-wall, or so called breakwater, and to use and occupy the same as a bridge in connection with their other toll bridges and roadways made absolutely valueless by reason solely of said sea-wall construction upon the said proprietors own grant from the state, and upon and under the site of one of their bridges. Some $20,000 was the cost to the said proprietors lessee to accomplish the said “raising and widening, but notwithstanding all the above, on Aug. 4, 1917, the further use of said sea-wall, together with its raiding and widening was revoked by the present Acting Sec. of War, and the said proprietors or lessee ordered to “collect no more tolls for the passage over all its property of anything in use by the Government, or for passage of officers or men, whether on private or public business, in its service or its employees, etc, etc., and to this date not one cent has been received therefor.

Box 1 Financial materials

Folder 1 1821

Folder 2 1822

Folder 3 1823

Folder 4 1824-1829

Folder 5 1830-1835

Folder 6 1834-1836 TP Drown

Folder 7 1836

Folder 8 1837-1839

Folder 9 1840


Box 2 Financial materials

Folder 1 1841-1844

Folder 2 1845-1846

Folder 3 1847

Folder 4 1848

Folder 5 1849

Folder 6 1850

Folder 7 1851

Folder 8 1852

Folder 9 1853

Folder 10 1854

Folder 11 1855

Folder 12 1856

Folder 13 1857

Folder 14 1858

Folder 15 1859

Folder 16 1859-1860 James Dodge

Folder 17 1860

Folder 18 1861

Folder 19 1862

Folder 20 1863

Folder 21 1864


Box 3 Financial materials

Folder 1 1865

Folder 2 1866

Folder 3 1867

Folder 4 1868

Folder 5 1869

Folder 6 1870

Folder 7 1871

Folder 8 1872

Folder 9 1873

Folder 10 1874

Folder 11 1875

Folder 12 1876

Folder 13 1877

Folder 14 1878

Folder 15 1879-1925

Folder 16 Fragments and undated


Box 4 Share Certificates

Folder 1 Share Certificates, 1822 Part I

Folder 2 Share Certificates, 1822 Part II

Folder 3 Share Certificates, 1822 Part III

Folder 4 Share Certificates, 1822 Part IV

Folder 5 Share Certificates, 1822 Part V

Folder 6 Share Certificates, 1822 Part VI

Folder 7 Share Certificates, 1822 Part VII

Folder 8 Share Certificates, 1823-1824

Folder 9 Share Certificates, 1825-1835

Folder 10 Share Certificates, 1836-1846

Folder 11 Share Certificates, 1847-1881


Box 5 Other

Folder 1 Meeting Minutes, 1822

Folder 2 Subscription List, 1822

Folder 3 Assessments, 1822

Folder 4 Proposal to build a house, 1822

Folder 5 Bank book, 1822

Folder 6 Bank book, 1846

Folder 7 Bank book, 1859-1864

Folder 8 Bank book, 1864-1871

Folder 9 Toll gatherers receipts, 1864-1869

Folder 10 Account book, 1869-1877

Folder 11 Correspondence including related to a counterfeit bill in 1871

Folder 12 Correspondence to Secretary of War, 1900

Folder 13 Lottery papers, 1790-1791

Folder 14 Toll book, 1823-1833

Folder 15-17 Deeds (3 folders)

Folder 18 Toll gatherer salary notebook, Lewis Barnes, 1834-1844

Folder 19 Legal Papers (misc), 1844-1852

Folder 20 Contracts with toll gatherer, 1869-1870

Folder 21 Check book, 1921-1922

Folder 22 Check book, 1923-1924

Folder 23 Vote slips, n d

Folder 24 History of Bridge Association, n d

Folder 25 Miscellaneous